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Literal Equations Project You are going to create a literal equations poster of your name. You will also complete a formula sheet (on notebook

Literal Equations Project

You are going to create a literal equations poster of your name. You will also

complete a formula sheet (on notebook paper) with original formulas and the

rewritten formulas (please show ALL work). On your formula sheet please

explain the significance of each formula used.


You must have at least 15 letters on your poster. You can use a combination

of your first, middle and last name.

If your first name is “Beth” you could use V = Bh to solve for the “B” in Beth,

and then solve for “h” in your name with the same formula.

If your name is “Ana” you need to choose two different formulas for the

letter “a”. You cannot use the same rewritten formula twice.

You will have 42 different equations to choose from to create your poster.

On your poster you also must draw, cutout or print out some representation

(picture) of who you are. Your poster must be neat and show creativity.


Formula Sheet = 50 points

Equations Solved Correctly on your poster = 30 points

Picture that represents you = 10 points

Neatness/Creativity = 10 points

10 points will be deducted from your grade for every day late.

Example of poster

M= ( y-b)/x







Example of formula sheet

1. I used the slope formula y = mx + b.

Y = mx + b

-b – b

y – b = mx

x x

y – b = m


or m = y – b


**Remember, you must show ALL work and include the significance of each

formula to receive full credit. Show each step in solving your literal

equations. **

Literal Equations Project

1. A = lw Area of a rectangle

2. A = ½ bh Area of a triangle

3. A = π Area of a circle

4. A = ½ h( + ) Area of a trapezoid

5. C = πd Circumference of a circle

6. C = 2πr Circumference of a circle

7. V = lwh Volume of a Rectangular Prism

8. V = π h Volume of a Right Circular Cylinder

9. V = ⁄ Bh Volume of a Right Square Pyramid

10. V = ⁄ π h Volume of a Right Circular Cone

11. I = prt Simple Interest

12. d= rt Distance formula

13. y = mx + b Slope Intercept Form

14. + = Pythagorean Theorem

15. P = 4s Perimeter of a square

16. V = Bh Volume of a prism

17. E = IR Voltage in an electric circuit

18. a + b + c = 180 Measure of angles in a triangle

19. P = R Power in an electric circuit

20. ax + b = 0 Linear equation in one variable

21. s = ½ g Distance

22. K = ½ m Energy

23. P = 2l + 2w Perimeter of a rectangle

24. ax + by = c Linear equation in two variables

25. V =

Volume of a gas

26. x =

Average of two numbers

27. D =


28. F = ⁄ C + 32 Celsius/Fahrenheit

29. A = P + Prt Amount at simple interest

30. SA = 2π + 2πrh Total surface area of a cylinder

31. E = VIT Electrical Energy

32. J = mhg Joules (energy)

33. 180(n – 2) = s Sum of angles formula

34. q = mc Heat transferred

35. z =

Population samples

36. = + 2as Velocity and Acceleration

37. SA = LA + 2B Surface Area of a Rectangular Prism

38. SA = 2bh + 2bw + 2hw Surface Area of a Rectangular Prism

39. SA = 2πrh + 2B Surface Area of a Right Circular Cylinder

40. SA = B = ½ Pl Surface Area of a Right Square Pyramid

41. A = bh Area of a Parallelogram

42. E = m Energy

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