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Microsoft Excel analysis and 4-page paper report. Tackle the business scenario attached excel. Using data set, perform a linear regression analysis and

Microsoft Excel analysis and 4-page paper report.

Tackle the business scenario attached excel. Using data set, perform a linear regression

analysis and write a report in which you recommend a solution by summarizing the key details

of your analysis.


A. Describe a business question that could be answered by applying linear regression analysis

and is derived from the scenario in the attached “Linear Regression Analysis Resources.”

B. Describe the data provided in the attached “Linear Regression Analysis Resources” by doing

the following:

1. Describe the relevant data characteristics for your linear regression analysis, including each

of the following:

• the independent variable(s)

• the dependent variable

• type of data

• quantity of data

2. Create a graphical display of the data using a scatter plot or line chart, including each of the


• chart title

• legend

• axis titles

• data intervals

Note: This display should be a summary or representation of the data provided, not raw data.

C. Report how you analyzed the data using linear regression by doing the following:

1. Provide the output and calculations of the linear regression analysis you performed.

Note: The output should include the output from the software you used to perform the analysis.

2. Justify why linear regression is the appropriate analysis technique for predicting the

dependent variable, including relevant details from the scenario to support your justification.

D. Describe the implications of your data analysis from the scenario by doing the following:

1. State the null hypothesis for this linear regression analysis.

2. Interpret the results of the data analysis by doing the following:

a. Discuss the goodness of fit with the supporting test statistic from your linear regression

analysis output.

b. Discuss the significance of the independent variable(s) with support from your linear

regression analysis results.

c. Create the linear equation and explain its purpose using your analysis results.

3. Discuss a limitation of the research that could affect a recommended course of action.

4. Recommend a course of action that aligns with your linear regression analysis results.

Note: Your recommendation should focus on the results of your analytic technique output from

part C1.

E. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted,

paraphrased, or summarized.

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