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Please include a one-page report detailing how the skills taught


Please include a one-page report detailing how the skills taught in the online course are relevant to your career development.  At a minimum your report must contain:

  1. A restatement of your current targeted career goal from the CPP Part 1 Assignment (Action Step 8)
  2. A restatement of the skills / qualifications required by your targeted career goal
  3. A description of the skills taught in the course and how they are taught
  4. A DETAILED discussion of how these skills make you a better candidate for a job that satisfies your targeted career goal

Summary of the online course

Bitcoin is a form of money that only exists online. While it’s making headlines around the world, many people don’t really understand how bitcoin works or the underlying concepts of cryptocurrency. In this course, Tom Geller demystifies bitcoin, revealing the promise and perils of the new crypto economy. Tom begins by explaining what bitcoin is, how it originated, and how it compares with other cryptocurrencies. Next, he explains how to get started by creating a bitcoin wallet, buying and selling bitcoin, and protecting your transactions. He discusses other top cryptocurrencies—Ripple, Ethereum, and IOTA—and explains how “initial coin offerings” (ICOs) have changed the investment landscape. Finally, he covers bitcoin mining, threats to the bitcoin economy, and how to connect with others in cryptocurrency communities. 


Learning objectives

  • Describe how Bitcoin works.
  • Distinguish between exchanges and institutional markets when buying and selling Bitcoin.
  • Explain the process behind the scenes when you send and receive Bitcoin.
  • Cite where most ICOs live.
  • Name the market symbol for Bitcoin.
  • Identify the threats to the Bitcoin economy.
  • Explain what the Bitcoin Foundation is.

Skills covered

Table of Contents


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