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Please see attachment to complete  Methodology Rubric (100 Points) This section situates the study in a particular methodological tradition,

Please see attachment to complete 

Methodology Rubric (100 Points)

This section situates the study in a particular methodological tradition, provides a rationale for that approach, describes the research setting and
sample, and describes data collection and analysis methods.




Introduction Restates research questions, hypotheses, and
variables (if relevant).

Study explores utility of technology based math
intervention and its impact on achievement in
elementary math.

Research Design or

Describes research approach used with rationale for
its suitability for addressing the research questions,
citing appropriate methodological literature.

Quasi-Experimental Pretest-Posttest Non-Equivalent
Groups Design.


Describes and justifies selection of the research
setting, with background information on program,
school, district, or community college, such as
demographics and student achievement data.

Rural elementary school in Mid-Atlantic, 60%
minority, 80% Free and reduced lunch eligible, over
75% not meeting math requirements

Research Sample
and Data Sources

Explains and justifies type of sample used and how
participants were selected (including population

Non-Random Convenience Sample of two elementary
school classrooms with purpose to explore utility of
educational intervention

Describes characteristics and size of sample (all)
and/or data set

Classroom 1 (treatment group) is 22 students (11
male/11 female) of 3rd grade Classroom 2 (control
group) is 20 Students (10 male/10 female)

Instruments and

Quantitative, Qualitative or Mixed Methods:
Describes and justifies type of instrument(s).

Quantitative measure of student performance on
state benchmark assessments in a pre/post format
during a 9-week period in the academic year

Treatment or

If a treatment is used, it is described clearly and in

Group 1 will be provided a treatment of utilizing
mathematic applications associated with ABCYA
website and corresponding standards for 20 minutes
each day
Group 2 will be taught using traditional standard

Data Collection: Describes and justifies data collection methods and
procedures, including how, when, where, and by
whom data were collected.

Each group will be given a unit pretest at the onset of
the 9-week period and a unit preset at the conclusion
of the 9-week period. Test will be administered by
school personnel.

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