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speaker note topic HAIs Developing the Presentation Summarize the key aspects of a plan to develop or enhance a culture of safety. Identify existing

speaker note

topic HAIs

Developing the Presentation

  • Summarize the key aspects of a plan to develop or enhance a culture of safety.
  • Identify existing organizational functions, processes, and behaviors affecting quality and safety.
  • Identify current outcome measures related to quality and safety.
  • Explain the steps needed to achieve improved outcomes.
  • Create a future vision of your organization’s potential to develop and sustain a culture of quality and safety and the nurse leader’s role in developing that potential.

Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact Disability Services to request accommodations.

Communication and Supporting Evidence

  • Argue persuasively to obtain agreement with, and support for, a plan to develop or enhance a culture of safety.
  • Support your main points, arguments, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence, correctly formatting citations and references using 

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