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These are the instructions for the Project. I’m also attaching a sample In this project, you are required to: Create a supervision contract with

These are the instructions for the Project. I’m also attaching a sample

In this project, you are required to:

Create a supervision contract with appropriate components (e.g., timelines, goals, supervisors responsibilities);

Review all of the current supervision forms/materials that are available on for the monthly system that went into effect in January 2019. Write a short summary or outline of the information provided in these documents (e.g., how to track hours, what forms need to be signed each period, how often supervision meetings need to occur).

You can refer to the BACB website for:

The sample supervision contract (› uploads › 2020/05 › Sample-Supervision-Contract-1)

BCaBA Supervision Contract Specifications ( to an external site.Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReader )

Please do not directly copy any existing materials. Existing materials should only be used as a model. Credit for non-original submissions will not be given, as a non-original submission would be considered plagiarism. For this specific assignment, it is okay to use the majority of what is provided in the document, but provide citations and make a note within the document that it is a version adapted from the BACB’s sample contract.

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