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view attachment PEER REVIEW DISCUSSION The class will be divided into four learning communities at the beginning of the course (group A, B, C, and

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The class will be divided into four learning communities at the beginning of the course (group A, B, C, and D). Each of the four learning communities will have a different strand assigned to individually select a topic to present to the group. (Note: this is NOT a group project. Rather, each member of the learning community will individually select a different topic found within your assigned strand.) Each week the learning community will rotate to a new strand, so they will have the opportunity to explore most strands up to two different times. Individuals can select a topic of a similar theme not found in their strand (but also following the theme of the assigned strand) with approval of the professor. 

Please use the following table to find your group’s designated strand for Week 5. Individually select a topic found within your strand to research. It is important for group members to select different topics to research and present.


(choose strand from top that is DIFFERENT from the strand for peer review)

Select a topic, event, or individual you personally feel had an important impact and contribution to the culture, history, and humanities of this time period.

1. How, specifically, does your selection provide an example of self-conscious behavior, memory, or foresight, at a cultural level?

2. What, specifically, do YOU find interesting and relevant in your example, as a ‘narration of the human experience’, and WHY?


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